Monday, August 29, 2011

Back to...  blogging?  normal?

Whatever makes sense, fill in the blank.

I have been on a bit of a blogging hiatus.  Right as I was really getting into it with my old site, I fell into a wonderful job and just did not have enough hours in the day to maintain "mommy of 3" (including a baby) and a part-time job, almost moving (right neighborhood, wrong house...let's wait!), summer traveling to see family, while trying to hold onto my sanity.

There is something that I absolutely love about the fall.  Maybe it is just the teacher in me with the fresh feeling of beginning over.  I also am not a fan of sweating or wearing coats, so it just has an all-around good feel for me.

So I am going to start slowly and see how it goes, and if I can get a good schedule of time set aside to blog. 

Stay tuned, and I'll share my first project.  You can join me if you want...

Hint:  It will reduce boxes of clutter into something useful that you can enjoy!

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